Friday, September 19, 2008

Made of Honor turned out to be a cute and funny movie! Ah, McDreamy...I knew you would make it work for me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Man Factor

The Man Factor is something worth discussing. Something males feel so intensely that they often try to defend too preciously, only to make it less visible in their defense.

I will give you a prime example.

Being a daddy has softened Kelven, but he's always been sweet. His ability to be a guy's guy paired with his astonishing comfort around women (especially over 50 years of age) is a quality I love very much. Unfortunately, I sometimes place Kelven in ultra un-testosterone-like circumstances. In the last week we've been to the Hollywood Video twice. Jada and I have waited in the car twice so dad could go get the movies I have requested. Usually we trade off choosing the rental, but lately the new movie releases have been far from Golden Globe worthy.

The first rental was Baby Mama which, prior to viewing, seemed like it could have been funny. We both like Tina Fey, probably for different reasons. And Amy Poehler is quite humorous. The best part of this less than decent movie was the entire scene as she is wheeled down the hall during labor. Hilarious. But back to the point - Kelven had to go in and rent this on his own.


So tonight we head back to Hollywood to get another movie. Kelven comes back to the car rattled. He looks at me and says, "I had to have an awkward conversation with the guy at the counter." I asked, "Why? What did you say?" And in his best Man Factor voice Kelven says, "I asked him (insert man factor voice here) when are you going to get some guy shows in? I keep having to rent my wife's choices." The problem doesn't hit me until Kelven adds, "I shouldn't have said anything at all. The guy was probably like 'yeah, sure buddy' like I was awkwardly making an excuse to rent these myself."

Here is the movie in Kelven's hand during his Man Factor episode.


That's my man.

Larger Than Life

As I elegantly stepped out onto my deck this beautiful Seattle morning to feel the slight breeze on my face I was instead wrapped in a thick web. Everyday there are at least four new webs created on the eight square feet of our deck. Let's not even discuss the yard. The spiders think it is hysterical to watch a grown woman become a hermit crab in her own house. My fear has taken over my life.

Fortunately Jada does not share my fear of harmless spiders. I watched in horror as she backed into a web containing a male spider, a suspision based merely on the aura of conceit fuming from the meticulously crafted web at least a foot in diameter. Her head barely missed the spider's eighth leg as she grabbed a tomato produced through the recent green thumb of Kelven. The plant was never picked so the combination of green, red, and completely rotten tomatoes has made quite a home on our deck. Luckily, Jada's keen instinct and hereditary intelligence forced her to take a huge juicy bite from the most lucious of all the red tomatoes. And she graciously walked away, feeling the delight of a juicy tomato in her mouth.

So there is a lesson for all you readers. It can be summed up quite nicely by an infamous Barb quote. Mom, this one's for you.

"What a tangled web we weave."